Thursday, February 22, 2007

A walk with Stephen around Alstonefield

This is Stephen, my pal. I am SURE he has hacked blogger! I was going to include him in the middle of the blog, but his image (this one) mysteriously disappeared, so I had to add it at the end - and that means it get put at the TOP of the blog entry!
Handsome beast, isn't he?

"OK Les, it's a date - see you about 09:00"

This was what my friend, Stephen, said when I invited him to walk 'abroad' with me. I say abroad, because Stephen lives in Cromford, and the walking from his door is super, so this was the first time I had managed to tempt him from his locale. It was a perfect day, and the recent snow promised good pictures. It was a shame Mavis, Steve's significant other, could not join us. The old war wound was playing up, I believe! So - it was a 'boys jolly' today.

This is where we started - the centre of Alstonefield, an archetypal Peak district village. This is the village green. We would end up in the George pub for a pint of wheat beer later, but for now - we had a walk to do!

We soon left the lovely village, and slipped down a track, past the youth hostel (a misnomer, these days, as they are usually frequented by older walkers and families).

This poor duck was sitting in the unfrozen border of this frozen dew pond.

Not a great situation, but fabulous views!

As we got to the end of the track, Gypsy (am I allowed to say that???? not PC these days) bank loomed ahead. We had a slippery-slidey descent to the dale below to continue towards Lode mill, and the snowdrops.

When we reached the bottom, the snow had gone! These dales are a little warmer than the tops, and of course, less wind gets here, so they tend to be protected from the worst of the snow.

After a while, we got to Lode mill. The snowdrops here are breathtaking, but we had come a week or so too early. They WERE in evidence, but not quite at their best yet.

After the ridge walk (on which you see Steve at the beginning of this entry), we reached Milldale. How LOVELY is this eh? You can get a nice, hot beverage, or a cup of soup at Polly's cottage. There is also a National Trust barn, with lots of info' about the area. It's just over the famous 'viators bridge'. This bridge is mentioned in 'the compleat angler', by Izaac Walton.

We walked along the (surprisingly) quiet Milldale until we came to Ilam Rock, a HUGE Limestone tower in the dale. I know - where's the picture? Well, I have sevreal, so I didn't record it! Anyway, we walked up the stiff climb to the top, overlooking the ancient Dovedale woods, and sat on a log, and consumed a most agreeable lunch.
That done, we pressed on to Air cottage. this picture is just before there.
You can see Thorpe Cloud in the middle there.
The stepping stones in Dovedale are just below it.

The afternoon got really good, as you can see. HUGE blue skies, warm sun, and a contented soul! I make no apologies for what follows - a skyfest of pictures!

I really can't remember where this view is - I COULD find out, but hey - a rose by ANY other name..................

WHY is blue and green so emotive? I was just in picture heaven today!

Clouds, limestone, sky, grass............HEAVEN!

As with the last entry, here's my beloved old tree!
PLEASE leave a comment, as I really DO think they are so photogenic.
Am I wrong?

After we climbed out of the dales, we crossed the tops, and got here, the head of Deep dale.
Very rare I pass this dale, as it's really lovely to walk up or down.

Just look at these fields, aren't they lovely? I can't put into words what a walk on a day like today is like. All I know is, I usually walk with a smile on my face. I MUCH prefer this to Summer walking.

Snowdrops again, this time at Stanshope.

On the lane out of Stanshope, I got this low shot of the snowdrops.

A wall, snow and the fields.
This is a classic shot, and one they'd tell you to take on a photo course.
'Lead the viewer into the subject'
Off you go, viewer!

After this, we re-entered Alstonfield for that pint!


Anonymous said...

Wow!!! Great great pics...I envy you...

Les, said...

Hello Sweet Moon. Thanks for the comments. Please look in again, as I put new pics up almost every week, also more on my other blog at