The forecast wasn't very good at ALL, with a big band of rain sweeping across the country over the course of the day, so I decided to do a shorter walk but take in one of the show caverns at Castleton. I'd been in Treak Cliff a few years earleir, and had always been intrigued by the thought of the underground boat trip in the Speedwell cavern, so I chose that one.
To be honest, it wasn't anywhere NEAR what I expected, and it was a big disappointment to me. It is, in effect, a trip through a horizontal mine shaft in an open boat, with nothing much to see. When you reach the 'show cave', it's not much at ALL! I've seen a few caves, both in potholing with friends, and as a tripper in other show caves, and this one rates as the worst so far. I wish now I had seen the ad's for the Peak cavern, as it's recommended as the best. What's more, it's cheaper too! At £7:25, I felt the Speedwell cavern was overpriced by twice what it should be. £3:50 is all it's worth, in my view.
Anyway, the first part of the morning was cold but dry. I decided to take the walk over the North ridge of Winnats pass, as I'd never been up there before. We saw these cyclists pumping up the incline just before we went up that hillside on the left.
Come on bruv, it's doing you the WORLD of good!

Looking North, we could see the shivering face of Mam tor, know as the shivering mountain, due to its predeliction to collapsing, taking the road with it!
(See previous blog entry for details and pics of the collapsed road)

Looking to the South ridge of Winnats pass, and the limestone buttresses.
The cars look like toys from here!
As usual, I see a lump of rock, I pose on it!

Looking East towards Castleton. The red car park and small building in the foreground is Speedwell cavern.

The main entrance (and shop - they like you to go in there and spend even more money)
Looking North, we could see the shivering face of Mam tor, know as the shivering mountain, due to its predeliction to collapsing, taking the road with it!
(See previous blog entry for details and pics of the collapsed road)
Looking to the South ridge of Winnats pass, and the limestone buttresses.
The cars look like toys from here!

Looking East towards Castleton. The red car park and small building in the foreground is Speedwell cavern.
The main entrance (and shop - they like you to go in there and spend even more money)
I expected this, no problem, but I expected it to be travelling through caverns, with stunning views etc etc.........................
(except for a turning point and a small hole in the wall)

Colin & I in the cavern. Unfortunately, rock sucks up light, so flash is useless. Consequently, I haven't got any good pic's of the cavern. Not that there was much to take though.
Back out into the fresh air (and rain), we climbed up onto the Southern ridge, and walked along it, then into Castleton. This is always a favourite walk, especially in snow.
Colin & I in the cavern. Unfortunately, rock sucks up light, so flash is useless. Consequently, I haven't got any good pic's of the cavern. Not that there was much to take though.
(sorry for the sarcasm...........)

Shame we didn't get any today.
Poor old Mam Tor disappears into the cloud as the rain really takes hold.
This man owns 'The Emporium' in Castelton. He is one of the most entertaining guys I've ever met. It's worth a trip, just to meet him. Everything in the shop is; 'like money in the bank' (according to him). Who would argue with such an honest face?
His humour is all around the shop - this notice is especially for the Yanks!
And ANY English would certainly understand the threat behind THIS one!
Oh, what a SHAME (but he was looking for a 'nice lady' to run it for him!)

I can vaguely remember this area, Les, from when my parents used to go for a long drive every weekend. I remember going through that long tunnel, too !
Were YOU bored too, Hazel???? I suppose as a kid, it would be much more exciting though.
Thanks for the comment :-)
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