Today REALLY felt like Autumn, no wonder, because it IS! What I mean is, it's been unseasonably warm, but things seemed to 'tip' somehow today. Leaves were golden (well, some were, as usual the horse chestnuts are leading the way), and the air was dank and heavy. The mist didn't really lift all day, so panorama's were not the order of the day, close-ups were. Luckily, the damp conditions are perfect for fungi. These enigmas of the plant kingdom (if indeed they ARE plants?) are many and wonderful. There are some truly amazing varieties. I WISH I had the memory to name them, but all I can do is admire and take pictures.
Anyway, they come later, but here's a peek at winter's larder. This is what the birds will turn to if things get tough. The hedgerows abound with berries right now, is it me, or are there more than usual? If the old wives are to be believed, we really are in for a hard winter.
Walking along the riverbank, I saw a few, not many, flowers still in bloom. Again, I don't know what they are all called, but this one looks a bit like a bee orchid, but of course, it's 'just' a weed growing alongside the path. Weed or not, today it really brightened up the walk, along with the berries.
Please see next instalment below, as blogger only lets me put up so many pictures per posting. Very frustrating, but I have to chop most posts in half.
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